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With great pleasure, we introduce the 9th edition of the IJEL International Journal, an esteemed platform dedicated to the exploration of Education and Language Studies.

We are thrilled to announce the release of the ninth issue of IJEL International Journal, dedicated specifically to Education and Language Studies. We believe that the published articles in this edition will be as informative and enlightening for our readers as they were for us.

In the first article, Fathi Rashid Ali AL-JUBOURI delves into "The Dialogue in the Novel 'The Smell of Details' by Sulaiman Al-Saddi."

Moving on to the realm of translation, Ahmed Hayder SIGAR and Loozan Ahmed RASOOL explore "The Translation of Conditional Clauses in the Glorious Qur’an into English."

Next, Mahmoud Fawzi Abdullah AL-KUBAISI and Hadeel Shihab AHMED shed light on "The Syntactic Significance of the Letters and Unilateral Tools in the Expensive Benefits of Ibn Kamal Pasha (D. 940 AH)."

In the context of language teaching, Erdinç DOĞRU and Tayser AL ABDULLAH discuss "Teaching the Colloquial Dialect through Representative Situations (Syrian Dialect as a Model)."

Finally, Khalid Ahmed Hassan AHMED explores "Aspects of Receptivity and Defensiveness in Teaching English as a Foreign Language."

We invite all our readers to delve into these thought-provoking articles and enrich their knowledge in the field of Education and Language Studies.