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We are honored to introduce the 4th issue of the IJEL International Journal, a prestigious publication that remains committed to fostering knowledge in Education and Language Studies.

We are thrilled to announce the release of the fourth issue of IJEL International Journal, dedicated exclusively to Education and Language Studies. We are confident that the articles presented in this issue will prove to be as informative for our readers as they were for us during the editorial process.

In the first article, "The Factor Theory and its Impact on the Views of Al-Farsi (d. 377 AH) - The Book (Optics Albasarriat) as a Model," Mahmood Fawzi ABDULLAH and Mustafa Rahim FARHAN delve into the influential factor theory and its implications as seen through the lens of Al-Farsi.

Ahmed Ali Niimaa AlZUBEIDY and Haider Ali Niimaa AlZUBEIDY present their research on "Indicative Accumulation in the Holy Qur'an," exploring the linguistic aspects of the Qur'an.

Next, Youssef Khalaf MAHAL and Hamid Abdullah SALEH discuss "The Morphological Controversy of Muhammad bin Mustafa Al-Tauskari in his Book (Badah Al-Muktafi fi Sharh Kifaya Al-Mubtadi)," providing insights into the morphological debate.

Farah Khalil IBRAHIM examines the "Reflections of the Prince and Al-Fishi in the Letters on Ibn Hisham in their Footnotes on Explaining the Roots of Gold," shedding light on historical annotations.

Ahmed Jassim MOHAMMED and Ahmed Hamed ALI tackle "The Grammatical Controversy of Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Muhammad, Known as Al-Nari," focusing on grammatical debates.

We cordially invite you to explore these thought-provoking articles, which contribute to the advancement of education and language studies. Visit our website to access the full issue and enrich your knowledge in these areas of academia.